Matt and I, along with the boys take a trip to Oregon every summer to visit my Gramps and GG and to have ourselves a little vacation. Normally I overload blogger with a million pictures, but this year I was too involved to take that many :)
We went to Harris Beach in Brookings Oregon. Last year it was too windy and cold to enjoy it that much but this year it was so nice! We actually braved the cold water :)
We all of course got sunburned (me more than anyone else for some reason) but we all had a lot of fun! The only scary part was the amount of Jelly Fish! I thought for sure someone was going to get stung. I guess we got lucky! :)
The one time over the whole weekend the boys actually played together without any fighting, crying or tattling! :)
Sandy Toes :)
Of course we cant visit Gramps and GG without going to Rogue Park. Unfortunately, it was too hot to stay for too long...
Brady fell walking down a big rock at the beach. He's pretty proud of his little battle wound tho :)
I've never had a goose get this close to me before. And I've definitely never had this many!
MY GRAMPS!! Love him!
MY GG!! Love her!
My cousin Adrienne! I hadn't seen her in over 10 years!! Last time I saw her she was just a chubby little 10 year old. Now shes 20 and I feel old!! :)
Aunt Irene
Aunt Sheila
The California Coast
It was so foggy that it looked like we were driving above the clouds!
Pretty cool!