About Me

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As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back. - Unknown

Monday, February 28, 2011


Sweet Connor was only 13 years old, he was a friend of my older sons, his little brother Noah is my little guys bestest friend.

Connor was a great kid, such wonderful manners, always really nice and friendly whenever I saw or talked to him. He was the best big brother. Little Noah loved his big brother so much!
On December 5th, Connors short little life tragically ended because he took some prescription pain medications that he stole from a neighbors house.

I know that we all at some point will have prescription medications in our home. It is so important to know what you have and where you keep them. Please take a minute to clean out your medicine cabinets and dispose of unused medications. This sort of thing is preventable, no mother deserves to lose her baby!

Connor is and will forever be greatly missed!! But I hope his death wont just end there. People need to be made aware and hopefully something good can come from this incredibly sad loss of a beautiful little boy.

April 30th is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
(it also happens to be Connors moms birthday)
Cottonwood Heights Police Department (8am)
1265 E Ft. Union Boulevard
Cottonwood Heights, Utah 84121

Also take a look at Connors moms blog for more information and links to other informative sites.